Top Ten Tuesday: 10 ways to get a good nights Sleep.

I’m not an expert or anything. This post just popped into my mind last night whilst trying to get to sleep.

10. Don’t eat Cheese

They say it’s an old wife’s tale but just to be sure.

9. Have a warm bath

Light some candles, play some nice music, feel those muscles unwind, just don’t actually fall asleep in the bath.

8. Have a hot chocolate

With marshmallows and cream. Yum!

7. Actually just have any hot beverage

except coffee. No coffee

6. Set up a regular bedtime

Parents are always talking about the importance of this for children so surely it should work for adult too. Except we are adults and don’t have a bedtime. And I can’t go to bed until all the chores are done. Remember the time we all wanted to be grown up because we had a bedtime.

5. And breath out

And in. And back out for two.

Ok so for a time I did do a wind down yoga session before bed but then I grew up and had a job and that thing called spare time just disappeared.

4. Put fresh sheets on the bed

And freshly washed pyjamas on the radiator! Isn’t it jut the best when it’s new bedding night? I want to come to bed early.

3. Settle down with a good book

You can guarantee when I start reading in bed I will wake up in the middle of the night been smothered by said book.

2. Banish the snoring partner

I share a bed with an adult male. This means I regularly have to deal with snoring. The best way to get a good nights sleep? Make him sleep in the spare bed, or before that make him sleep on the sofa.

1. Counting Sheep

A little old fashion I may admit but it works. If you want to make it more interesting start naming the sheep breeds.

Blue Leciester.


Welsh Rarebit.

Wait I’m just naming food?

In that case if all else fails go raid the fridge and have a midnight snack.

Just remember to avoid the cheese!

11 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: 10 ways to get a good nights Sleep.

  1. Being a life long insomniac, you can believe I have tried all of these things. Read a book? I get interested and can’t sleep until the end. Warm chocolate? Just makes me want more. Warm bath? Love it, but only have a shower, so not quite the same as a long soak. Think it’s genetic. My dad had insomnia too, and so do a lot of my family members.

  2. I must be the odd one out here. πŸ™‚ I can have coffee and cheese before bed, and sleep like a baby. I love my coffee, and also cheese. Nothing like a nice piece of cheese to fill that hole in the tummy before bedtime. πŸ™‚

    • Normally I sleep really well it was just last Monday I was tossing and turning all night.

      I am very partial to cheese it’s just some things I was taught when I was little have stuck, like don’t eat cheese before bed and always wait for the green man!

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